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COVID-19 Additional Protocols

We are so excited to see you! Here's what to expect from your visit to Marshalltown Family Dentistry.

Infection Control

Here at Marshalltown Family Dentistry we follow infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


Before your appointment and upon arriving at your appointment, you will be asked the following:

Do you have a fever or have you felt hot or feverish recently?

Are you having shortness of breath or other difficulties breathing?

Do you have a cough?

Do you have any other flu-like symptoms, such as gastrointestinal upset, headache or fatigue?

Have you experienced recent loss of taste or smell?

Have you been in contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive patients?

Have you had any recent changes in your health in regards to heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes or any other auto-immune disorders?


Anyone entering the office will be asked to wear a mask. Please bring your own if you have one, and if not, one will be provided for you. One parent or guardian may accompany a child to his or her appointment, but we respectfully ask others in attendance to remain in the vehicle to limit the number of persons within the office.

Call Us

When you arrive for your appointment, please remain in your vehicle and call 641-752-4138 to notify our team that you are here.



When you enter the building we will be taking your temperature. Hand sanitizer will be available upon entering and throughout the office and we encourage you to sanitize frequently. Our waiting areas no longer have magazines or other reading materials since these materials are difficult to disinfect. You will see changes to the waiting room seating to allow for appropriate social distancing. 



You will notice staff wearing masks at all times throughout the office, and when appropriate, face shields  will also be worn. 



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